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Welcome to EG solar vents


We are located at 59/14 Loyalty Road North Rock NSW 2151

Our office and showroom hours are Monday to Friday 8am to 4pm

and Saturday 10am to 4pm

Thank you for visiting EG solar vents, if you require any further assistance or have any specific requirements please don’t hesitate in contacting us on 0423 668 231 or by emailing us at

Standard series
  • the most popular economical versions, without battery or with 1 to 2 batteries

  • exhaust fan but can buy an extra in-take blade to change it as in-take fan.

  • If you are looking for an exhaust vent only work on hot Sunny day? EG-SVT001 could be your best choice, it doesn't have battery inside and no switch. the fan works very hard under Sunlight and doesn't trouble to charge battery for nighttime use.

Separated remote panel
  • specially-tailored external solar panel is available for charging expansion purpose.

  • SP models are samilar to Standard series but comes with a separated panel and extension cord instead of the built-in ontop panel.

  • SP models are same as Standard series but comes with an extra separated panel and extension cord.

Turbo series
  • with In/Off/Out switches to control extraction and introduction, while combine “Trickle” and “Boost Speed”

  • Trickle speed allows the fan to work much longer without sunlight or charge the battery faster when there is not enough sunlight

  • LED model gives it a fancy look inside. don't you think it is a good idea as a boat toilet vent?

  • Easier to change battery from its bottom, just unscrew a few bolts. 

12v DC series
  • With 12V DC input, it becomes the most Powerful EG ventilation.

  • With DC input option, easy switch between solar power and 12V DC power supply to better ensure powerful ventilation effect and normal operation under consecutive cloudy and rainy days.

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